In recent posts, we’ve discussed the dangers associated with texting while driving and the recently implemented Alabama texting ban. To date the ban, which aims to stop the texting and reduce the number of related car accidents, has resulted in 14 citations being issued.
According to highway safety statistics, a driver is more than 20 times more likely to be involved in a car accident if they are texting while driving. This is one of the main reasons the state of Alabama implemented a texting ban on Aug. 1. As of Sept. 10, Alabama State Troopers report issuing 14 tickets to drivers who were texting while driving.
In one instance, a police officer noticed a Birmingham man swerving across traffic lanes along Interstate 459. When the officer pulled the man over, he was found to be texting. In another incident, a police officer pulled over a Birmingham woman after witnessing her attempting to steer her motor vehicle with her wrist while texting with both hands.
These are just two examples of the dangerous driving practices in which those who text and drive often engage. While some throughout the state of Alabama were initially doubtful the law would have much effect or even be enforceable, the law’s primary offense status is key as it allows police to pull over texting drivers without any other reason.
During 2010, drivers who were texting or distracted by a mobile devices were involved in an estimated 1,846 car accidents. Alabama officials are hopeful the ban on texting will change the behaviors of Alabama drivers, help reduce car accidents and prevent injuries and deaths.
Source: Alabama Live, “Alabama State Troopers give 14 tickets for texting, driving,” Kim Chandler, Sept. 10, 2012