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Marsh, Rickard & Bryan



Lawyers seat jury in Jackson wrongful death case

Alabama residents who follow celebrity news may be interested to learn that a jury has been chosen in the case between Michael Jackson’s mother and the company that sponsored what would have been the star’s comeback tour. The complaint alleges that the company, AEG, negligently hired Dr. Conrad Murray to treat Jackson without verifying his background, ultimately resulting in the singer’s wrongful death in 2009. The doctor recently appealed his involuntary manslaughter conviction.

The lawyers assembled more than 100 people prior to beginning jury selection. Many of them were dismissed due to the hardship of serving for approximately three months, preconceived notions or a tie to one of the parties. On April 22, both sides accepted a jury composed of 12 individuals, half men and half women. The parties will also seat alternate jurors.

The complaint was filed by Jackson’s mother on behalf of herself and Jackson’s children and seeks $40 million in damages. If the jury finds that the company was responsible for Jackson’s death, they will assess the amount of damages they believe to be appropriate. The case may be complicated by the fact that the company had not signed a contract with Dr. Murray prior to Jackson’s death.

If an employer is determined to be liable for the wrongful acts of an employee committed within the scope of his or her employment, damages in a wrongful death case can include lost earning potential, medical bills incurred prior to death, funeral costs and compensation for the damage to the relationship between the deceased and any surviving children or parents. A personal injury attorney may be able to help those who have lost a loved one evaluate their cases and seek justice from wrongdoers.

Source: WVTM-TV, “Jury is seated in Jackson wrongful death case,” Linda Deutsch, April 22, 2013

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"They took a case that others would have stayed clear of.."
I have the utmost respect for Rip Andrews and the lawyers at MRB Law. They took a case that others would have stayed clear of because the issue of state immunity was involved. Through determination and unwavering commitment they were able to a find resolution to an extremely difficult matter.
Nancy Owen
"They took a case that others would have stayed clear of.."
I have the utmost respect for Rip Andrews and the lawyers at MRB Law. They took a case that others would have stayed clear of because the issue of state immunity was involved. Through determination and unwavering commitment they were able to a find resolution to an extremely difficult matter.
Nancy Owen
"They...brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict ."
These lawyers took a complicated issue, revealed the truth in a way 12 jurors unfamiliar with the topic could understand, and brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict. They were able to relate my “invisible” medical condition to the jury better than I can to my own friends. And because of that, the jury hugged me and cried with me when it was all over. That meant more to me than any amount of money.
Caroline Malatesta
"They...brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict."
These lawyers took a complicated issue, revealed the truth in a way 12 jurors unfamiliar with the topic could understand, and brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict. They were able to relate my “invisible” medical condition to the jury better than I can to my own friends. And because of that, the jury hugged me and cried with me when it was all over. That meant more to me than any amount of money.
Caroline Malatesta
"Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed ."
I can’t adequately put into words the appreciation I have for Mr. Derrick Mills and MRB Law. He was assertive in his fight for justice for our family during our time of tragedy. Mr. Mills is knowledgeable, passionate and a great communicator. Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed. Thank you Mr. Mills for being a dedicated professional! Justice done right!
Dana Owens
"Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed."
I can’t adequately put into words the appreciation I have for Mr. Derrick Mills and MRB Law. He was assertive in his fight for justice for our family during our time of tragedy. Mr. Mills is knowledgeable, passionate and a great communicator. Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed. Thank you Mr. Mills for being a dedicated professional! Justice done right!
Dana Owens
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