Snowy and icy conditions recently impacted roads and highways throughout portions of Alabama resulting in numerous car accidents. While inclement winter weather isn’t an everyday occurrence in Alabama, drivers would be wise to exercise caution when such hazardous road conditions do exist.
The Alabama Department of Transportation recently issued a press release listing safety advice and tips for Alabama drivers who encounter dangerous winter driving conditions. While these tips can greatly help reduce the likelihood that a driver will be involved or injured in a car accident when encountering winter weather, the best way to avoid injury is to stay off the roads.
When travel is necessary, drivers would be wise to tune in to weather reports prior to departing for their destination. If a bad storm is only expected to worsen, it may make sense to change plans to take advantage of getting ahead of more snow and ice. Additionally, it’s important that drivers carry a cellphone to use in emergency situations and to keep in contact with family members.
Road conditions can quickly worsen and become more treacherous. It’s important, therefore that drivers remain vigilant and constantly aware of current road conditions and variable weather conditions. To be prepared, drivers are encouraged to keep vehicles in good running condition and maintain a first aid kit with supplies in the event of an emergency.
Drivers are also advised to follow all traffic laws and drive at a slower speed. Additionally, because slippery conditions can make breaking a vehicle difficult, drivers are advised not to follow leading vehicles too closely.
Source: WBRC, “ALDOT tips for safe winter travel,” Alabama Department of Transportation, Jan. 24, 2013