Marsh | Rickard | Bryan

Marsh, Rickard & Bryan



Products Liability

Is your hand sanitizer a hazard?

Wood alcohol, or methanol, can be absorbed through the skin -- and it can be toxic enough to cause blindness. If it is ingested, it can be lethal. A rush of new brands of hand sanitizer has hit the market since March and, unfortunately, some of them contain wood...

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FDA issues new recall of drug device

The last thing an Alabama resident who must take or receive medication for a serious condition needs to worry about is a complication with the drug. While many people commonly think about things like side effects to medications, there are other problems that could...

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Sales of toys recalled for safety continuing

Alabama parents around the state are preparing for the upcoming Christmas holiday and buying cherished toys for their little ones may well be part of these preparations. When buying these items, moms and dads should be able to trust in the safety of the gifts that...

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